Leadership By The Coach

How often in the past have you made the statement, “If I only had known” That confession all on its own is usually a painful statement revealing massive frustration. Help and guidance to avoid such situations where those statements are made is the power of a business technology coach and mentor.

You see, when it comes to MLM, the fact is, most people (about 97%) fall flat on their face and end up quitting. The reason people fail is because they rely on their friends and family to join their business. The other piece to that problem is that the people they ask to join their business have no interest whatsoever in joining a home based business! No wonder this happens to most people.

Also enquire whether the Marketing coach has business skills too. While a coach with only coaching skill can guide, a coach with business skill can advise on various other platforms too. Thus if you want to fine-tune time management, marketing etc, you can seek help from your coach. Such a coach would also be comfortable in the gray areas where business and coaching skill overlap. Taking the same thread ahead, it will also be helpful if the coach himself owns a small business. With combined expertise in both the fields, they can help you work towards your goals better.

Someone who isn’t so eager to take you on. Time is precious and a good coach knows that her time is also limited. She’s not willing to take on any and everyone. A good coach chooses his clients by assessing whether or not the person is coachable, not by determining how much money he can make.

Even if an Internet coach can prove he is making money online, find out what is his main source of income. Most of the Internet marketing coaches’ main income is by selling making money information, and then by teaching. And if if they claim you can make millions of dollars without selling anything, or even without doing any hard work, then you need to be ultra careful.

Communicate: When working with a business coach, it’s important to keep lines of communication open. Good Marketing coach are very much in the mindset of working with you to establish clear-cut goals and then defining and taking the steps to reach those goals.

An internet marketing coach will show you that it will take time to grow your business and that success can’t be achieved in a few days or weeks. No matter how many times it takes to explain something she will make sure that you have an understanding of the time factor involved in reaching the level of success that you desire.

You will be using the tips that they share, therefore you need to make sure that your coach has spent several years in the industry. They must be very successful in this field so that they can be a credible source of information. Otherwise, you will not be able to rely on the information they provide, as they do not have the experience to back up what is being taught.

Lastly, everything is negotiable. This may not go for special offers and radical discounts, so trying to negotiate a lower amount when the deal is already a good one may not be the way to go. It is reasonable to want to check things out first, and pay no upfront fees until you are sure the personal Marketing coach is the one you want. Try to get a monthly fee with no upfront payments. That way you can stop the coaching with only a relatively small amount at risk.

Copywriting Skills. Ask the coach what he or she knows about copywriting and ask to see examples of copy that they have written and the results it generated for them and their clients. If they do not write copy, ask them who do they use and recommend and why?

In the NFL, an individual does not become a coach because one day he woke up and said to himself, “I think I will become a football coach today.” Every successful coach in the NFL and at the college level worked up to that position by studying under qualified coaches who trained them. It seems in the MLM industry, people are coming out of the woodwork calling themselves marketing coaches simply by virtue of a title they gave themselves and a program they purchased that they are now trying to sell you!

Too many coaches are confused about the concept of the niche. They either don’t define a niche, or define it so broadly that it’s not a niche at all. They fear that by defining a niche, they will miss the opportunity to coach. The truth is simple. Niche is all about marketing, not coaching. You define a niche so that you can clearly understand who it is you are marketing to, and what that niche needs.

Did the technology coach show you his or her online income statement? On the Internet, beware of a lot of bogus claims. It just takes some simple editing software to change the digits on a cheque or on a Clickbank statement.

I had an agent email me this morning and say angrily that all I keep talking about is marketing and technology. He said I knew nothing about real estate or marketing and that I was an idiot. I asked him how he heard about us. Angrily he said he was reading our blog. And I’m the idiot. Marketing is everything!